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Abu Sayeid
Jul 07, 2022
In Welcome to the Forum
There are few things that all designers can agree on, one of them is our great hatred for the indiscriminate use of Comic Sans fonts ; for several years there has been a lot of talk about the subject and even global campaigns have been created to veto its use . Until now, we only had our own taste as the only reference to convince others to stop using it, however recent studies show that the most important justification for Avoiding it as much as possible is not in the aesthetic part, but in its cost. One more reason to hate Comic Sans 2 PixartPrinting concluded after an Real Estate Photo Editing arduous study that printing any type of text with Comic Sans is extremely expensive due to the amount of ink used. Assuming that a liter of ink can be more expensive than a Chanel No.5 bottle, they created an infographic with data that makes us think that we were not so wrong in hating and avoiding the use of this typeface by any means. One more reason to hate Comic Sans 4 Without a doubt, there is no better way to convince a client, friend or relative to make a change to their favorite casual/unintrusive/youthful typeface as it will cost them more money to maintain their taste. We must admit that despite this powerful reason, it will survive as it has for the last 22 years and there will always be some brave one who wants to take the (horrible) risk.
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Abu Sayeid

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