In the vast majority of cases, workers are paid a different amount than what is stated in their regulatory base. The regulatory base is the scale that is used to calculate the right to benefits derived from professional contingencies, from which the overtime hours of the current year are subtracted and those of the previous year are apportioned.
It is true, however, that in the case of moonlighting or certain special regimes (such as the sea or mining) there could be some nuance. It is important to indicate that the buy email database computation of the benefits to be received will always be done taking the regulatory base as a reference , in the same way that it will also be used for the right to collect disabilities.
That is why it is so important to know it and verify, when a salary is received, whether or not extraordinary payments are included in it. The right to collect extraordinary pay Precisely, the right to receive extraordinary payments during the situation of temporary disability derives from the fact that Social Security includes them as part of the salary regulatory base.