That the integration and implementation of a contextual platform can even take months. To save time, marketers can focus on the strategic aspects while technical staff prepare accounts and integrations. In doing so, it must be kept in mind that these activities exist within the corporate communications and marketing ecosystem with which they will interact. To verify that the new initiative fits well with the existing environment, we can ask ourselves some additional questions: What data do we have available and what are the possible segments? What is the customer journey and sales funnel.
Marketing mix: Besides email, what other channels will be Latest Mailing Database involved, how and when? Aligning Teams to Strategy If all of these elements have been defined, then we are already well underway. The next step is to align the teams, especially the marketing and sales teams. Everyone has to be clear about what the audience and workflow is so everyone knows their role in implementing a marketing automation strategy, just like our customer lifecycle and journey has to be immutable. We hope this article was helpful to you. For additional insights on marketing strategy and automation, subscribe to our newsletter.
Silvia Pagano Digital marketer, even though my first love is writing. You can find me in Milan, looking for insights into psychology, communication and marketing, taking some specific courses or hiding behind a stack of books. Don't Panic: The Impact of Email Marketing Silvia Pagano Data Analytics, Digital Strategy Data Management Email Marketing No Opinions Minus Three. In a few hours, the will take effect, and it's all been a whirlwind of emails and consent requests while the clock is ticking. In the frenzy of the last hour, one might wonder whether such an avalanche of communications was really necessary. When to ask for old subscribers.